
Windows Azure : Understanding Message Operations

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A message is an atomic piece of data stored in a queue. Each message in Windows Azure queues can be up to 8 KB in size. There is no limit on the number of messages in a queue, or the combined size of the messages you can put in the store. Messages can be in any format.

However, there is one “gotcha” here that you should be aware of. Though you typically insert messages in binary format, when you read them back out from the queue you’ll get them in base64 encoding. If you’re writing your own client, remember to decode them back to their binary representation.

1. Enqueuing a Message

Enqueuing a message adds a message to the back of the queue. To enqueue a message to a queue, send an authentic and properly formatted HTTP POST to http://<account><queuename>/messages. The request body must be in the following form:


Most storage client libraries base64-encode the message and decode the message when reading it. The queue service itself expects the message contents to be UTF8-compatible.

Example 1 shows how to use the official storage client library to post a new message to the queue testq1.

Example 1. Adding a message
CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount =
CloudQueueClient cloudQueueClient =

CloudQueue cloudQueue = cloudQueueClient.GetQueueReference("testq1");
CloudQueueMessage msg = new CloudQueueMessage("Sample Message");

This code gets a handle to the queue testq1 (it assumes the queue has already been created) and then inserts a small message with the contents "Sample message". Following is the HTTP traffic for creating the message. Note how the message is base64-encoded in the request body.

POST /testq1/messages?timeout=30 HTTP/1.1
x-ms-date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:53:26 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey sriramk:26L5qqQaIX7/6ijXxvbt3x1AQW2/Zrpxku9WScYxD4U=
Content-Length: 76
Expect: 100-continue


If the message was successfully created (which it was in this case), the server sends down an HTTP 201 Created message as an acknowledgment:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: Queue Service Version 1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
x-ms-request-id: adaa5b64-c737-4a36-be98-dc8b712a264e
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:51:23 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Enqueuing a message adds it at the end of the queue. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get the message in order, after all the messages you have inserted. Remember that one of the flipsides of using a large, distributed queue service is that the order in which the messages are delivered is almost never guaranteed.

2. Understanding Message TTL

Every message has a TTL that is set, by default, to seven days. This is the amount of time after which the message is automatically deleted. You can specify the TTL for the message by adding the parameter messagettl=ttl-in-seconds to the URI. The storage client library also has an equivalent method overload to set the TTL for the message you’re inserting.

3. Peeking at a Message

You already saw how retrieving a message alters the visibility of the message. Peeking at a message is a quick way to view the messages at the front of the queue without having to change their visibility. It lets you see what kind of messages you’re going to get before you have to deal with them.

To peek at messages in a queue, send an HTTP GET to http://<account><queue>/messages?peekonly=true. You can control how many messages you want to peek at by setting the numofmessages parameter in the URI.

If the request is correct, the server sends down an XML response of the following form:



There is no guarantee that the server will actually retrieve the number of messages you asked for.

The following code shows how to use the storage client library to peek at a message:

  CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount =
CloudQueueClient cloudQueueClient =

CloudQueue cloudQueue = cloudQueueClient.GetQueueReference("testq1");
CloudQueueMessage msg = cloudQueue.PeekMessage();

This conjures up a handle to the queue, and then tries to peek at one message of the queue. Once it gets the message, it tries to write the message’s contents to the console. Following is the HTTP capture of this operation that shows that one message is in the queue with the contents "Sample Message", which gets base64-encoded:
GET /testq1/messages?numofmessages=1&peekonly=True&timeout=30 HTTP/1.1
x-ms-date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 11:17:11 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey sriramk:JVCMBcl0QQKSsOMBeZxia49MxWJ7OSASSSuVtEyEddc=
Connection: Keep-Alive

The server sends down an XML-formatted list containing the actual message contents, as well as MessageIds, and insertion and expiration times:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Queue Service Version 1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
x-ms-request-id: c43f366d-88c0-4000-9c60-ba8844106fb2
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 11:15:51 GMT
Content-Length: 337

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<InsertionTime>Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:54:47 GMT</InsertionTime>
<ExpirationTime>Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:46:52 GMT</ExpirationTime>

4. Getting Messages

Now it’s time to examine one of the most critical operations: getting messages. You can get messages from a specific queue by sending an authorized HTTP GET to http://<account><queue>/messages. There are two parameters you can modify here:

  • The first, numofmessages, specifies the number of messages you want the queue service to return. By default, you get one message back.


There is no guarantee that the queue service will actually return the number of messages you want, even if they exist in the queue at that time.

  • The second, visibilitytimeout, specifies the visibility timeout of the messages you’re retrieving. In short, when you get messages off a queue, the queue service automatically makes them invisible to give you time to process them. If you don’t delete the message before the timeout expires (typically because you experienced an error), the queue service makes the message visible again so that some other queue receiver can get a chance to process the message.

The following code shows how to use the Microsoft storage client library to get a message off the queue. In this case, you use the default visibility timeout of two hours:

  CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount =
CloudQueueClient cloudQueueClient =

CloudQueue cloudQueue = cloudQueueClient.GetQueueReference("testq1");
CloudQueueMessage msg = cloudQueue.GetMessage();
//Do something useful with the message

Following is the HTTP request for the same operation. Note that the numofmessages parameter is optional—if it is not specified, you’ll get one message back:
GET /testq1/messages?numofmessages=1&timeout=30 HTTP/1.1
x-ms-date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:56:52 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey sriramk:u0Js1nLfeDl3a8N79TAZWvrDpK9a/AgwpwcoIS7T/BU=

Following is the HTTP response for this request. The server sends down an XML response containing the message contents, along with a few interesting properties:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Queue Service Version 1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
x-ms-request-id: 0677a63d-fa82-476d-83e5-f206310b43a0
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:54:51 GMT
Content-Length: 454

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<InsertionTime>Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:55:22 GMT</InsertionTime>
<ExpirationTime>Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:51:23 GMT</ExpirationTime>
<TimeNextVisible>Sat, 04 Jul 2009 00:55:22 GMT</TimeNextVisible>

Apart from the usual suspects (such as expiration time, message ID, and message contents), the XML response contains two additional properties you haven’t seen before.

One of them is TimeNextVisible, which is essentially when the visibility timeout expires and the message will show up on the queue again. The other is a PopReceipt. Just as a message ID uniquely identifies a message, a PopReceipt uniquely identifies each time you take a message off the queue.

5. Deleting Messages

After you’ve taken a message from the queue and finished processing it, you must delete it to stop it from appearing on the queue automatically again. To do so, send an HTTP DELETE to http://<account><queue>/messages/messageid?popreceipt=<popreceipt>.


You need the PopReceipt property obtained from receiving a message to delete it. You can’t delete a message just by knowing its messageid from a peek operation.

The following code shows how to get a message off the queue using the Microsoft storage client library and deleting it:

  CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount =
CloudQueueClient cloudQueueClient =

CloudQueue cloudQueue = cloudQueueClient.GetQueueReference("testq1");
CloudQueueMessage msg = cloudQueue.GetMessage();
//Do something useful with the message

You already saw the HTTP request-response content for getting messages. Following is the HTTP traffic for deleting a message. This assumes you already have a message and have a valid PopReceipt:
DELETE /testq1/messages/a59c9817-b54b-4b56-9480-1a40977da588?
popreceipt=AgAAAAEAAAAAAAAAIPi8G0L8yQE%3d&timeout=30 HTTP/1.1
x-ms-date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 12:47:51 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey sriramk:D+xJP6G29d9z1SdQ61sb4UuJgaqiNwePYjB/pzTweS8=
Content-Length: 0
Connection: Keep-Alive

The server sends down an HTTP 204 if the delete was successful, and the message instantly disappears off the queue.

6. Deleting and Using PopReceipts

Why force users to get a message and use the PopReceipt to delete a message instead of the messageid? Imagine a world where you deleted a message just by specifying its ID. Now, imagine multiple queue receivers each taking different processing times. In this scenario, if a worker takes too long to process the message, the visibility timeout would kick in, make the message visible again, and hand the message to another worker. The first worker could then try to delete the message, even though some other worker has already started to work on the message.

The PopReceipt mechanism deals with this scenario. If your PopReceipt’s visibilitytimeout has expired, your delete operation will fail, thereby ensuring that only the right worker is able to delete the message off the queue. The key point here is that a message must be deleted before its visibility timeout expires, and by the same worker/entity that dequeued that message.

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